Saturday, July 18, 2015

Eat Alkaline Foods To Keep Cancer and Fungus Away

On this page we list:
1. Alkaline foods you should eat to keep cancer away, and
2. Cancer Fighting foods to consume if you have cancer.

1. What foods produce these desired effects in the blood, making the body alkaline?

They include

Agar, alfalfa sprouts, almonds, apple cider, apricots, artichokes, 

Bananas, beets, beet tops, blackberries, blueberries, broccoli, Brussels-sprouts, burdock, 

Cabbage, cantaloupe, carob, carrots, cauliflower, celery, celeriac, chard, cherries, chives, coconut, cranberries, cucumbers, fresh currants, 

Dandelion greens, dates, dill, dock, 


Figs (dried), flax seed, 

Garlic, grapes, grapefruit, fresh green-beans, guava, 


kelp, kohlrabi, 

Leeks, lemons, lettuce, fresh Lima beans, limes, loganberries, loquats, 

Mango, melons, millet, mint, molasses, mulberries, muskmelons, mustard greens, 


Okra, olives, olive oil, onions, oranges, 

Papaya, parsley, parsnips, passion fruit, peaches, pears, persimmons, pineapple, plums, pumpkin, 

Radishes, raisins, raspberries, rhubarb, romaine lettuce, rutabagas, 

Sea grass, sorrel, soybeans, spinach, squash, strawberries, Swiss-chard, 

Tangerine, turnips, 

Vegetable oils, 

Water chestnuts, watercress, and watermelon. 

2. Alkaline Cancer Fighting Foods & Spices

Oranges are alkaline

Which alkaline foods are cancer fighting foods?  They include:



Cabbage, and Cauliflower, carrots, chili peppers and jalapenos, cruciferous vegetables
(broccoli, cauliflower, kale, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage), 

Figs, flax,

Garlic, grapefruits, red grapes, 




Oranges & lemons,


Raspberries, red wine, rosemary,

Soy products like tofu, sweet potatoes,

Tea (green & black), tapioca, tomatoes, turmeric, and probably turnips.

For further reference, read Vern Verona’s book on “Cancer Fighting Foods.”

Fruits and vegetables that are high in nutrients and antioxidants are often called “Super-foods”.

VERY IMPORTANT:  Cancer patients should eat about 70% raw foods, with the remaining 30% of other foods, but never microwaved foods because the microwave oven kills the life-force in foods.

Baby boomers can prevent and fight cancer and heart disease by eating alkaline foods.

The National Cancer Institute and Food and drug administration has done research on certain foods having cancer fighting compounds. Research shows these foods have phytochemicals. These chemicals are found to be fruits and vegetables, and they help prevent cancer.

Also, every person, especially cancer patients, should:
A.  drink Alkaline Ionized Anti-Oxidant Water from your own machine at home to beat cancer, and

B.  take "Transfer Factor" supplements to boost the immune system.
Cancer patients in stage-3 and stage-4 should take the fast-track to cancer-free by going to a Mexican cancer clinic for natural, alternative treatments like the author of this website, Peggy Sue Roberts, did.  Read my cancer survivor story below or in the right column.




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