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Some of the home remedies for Addison’s Disease include the use of ginger, licorice, ginseng, green tea, turmeric, ashwaghanda plant, reishi mushrooms, milk thistle extract, astragalus, and echinacea, as well as certain lifestyle changes and behaviors such as tai chi, meditation, and yoga.
Addison’s disease is a rare, hormone-related disease that affects your body’s ability to create and release cortisol and other adrenal hormones. It is also known as chronic adrenal deficiency, hypocorticolism, and hypoadrenalism. Since it is related to the hormones, it is considered an endocrinal condition, and unfortunately, there is no cure, simply lifetime treatment.
The majority of cases of Addison’s disease are auto-immune, meaning that the body’s own immune system destroys an essential part of the adrenal cortex, severely impairing the body’s ability to produce certain hormones. While supplemental hormone replacement therapy and regular cortisol tablets or hydrocortison/prednisone supplements can keep the condition at bay so you can live a somewhat normal life, people suffering from Addison’s disease will battle it for the rest of their life in some form, and must be particularly careful when suffering any illness, trauma, surgery, or something else which may affect the efficacy or general health of the body.
Symptoms of Addison’s Disease
Adrenal hormones are important for the body’s fight or flight response, as well as our general behavior and even out psychological function. For this reason, it is important to diagnose the disease at the earliest sign so proper treatment can be pursued, rather than waiting for the disease to turn into the more serious form of Addison’s crisis. To that end, we must understand the symptoms. Some of the precursors or most common symptoms of Addison’s disease are as follow.
- fatigue, exhaustion, and weakness
- light-headedness when standing
- nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
- headaches
- sweating and fever
- joint and muscle pain/weakness
- anxiety, changes in mood, or personality shifts
If diagnosed properly, it can be managed, but many people do not recognize the symptoms until it is too late and the body has already been damaged in a serious way. Fortunately, there are some herbal and natural remedies to perform at home that can help if you are suffering from Addison’s disease.
However, Addison’s disease should not be taken lightly, and consultation with a doctor before beginning any herbal or natural treatments is highly recommended. There are effective pharmaceutical options, as well as supplements to boost your cortisol and adrenaline levels to their proper levels, thereby making the disease more tolerable. However, if the condition turns to
Addison’s crisis, the body suffers from extremely low blood pressure and commonly falls into a coma. That is why treatment of this rare disease must be taken very seriously, and herbale or natural remedies should be seen as a supplementary or complementary solution.
Now, let’s look at some of the home remedies for Addison’s disease that many people turn to when suffering from this condition.
Home Remedies of Addison’s Disease
Ginger: Ginger is a useful herb to treat both the symptoms and the condition itself. It is a calming agent, and also soothes the intestinal issues and discomfort that so often accompany Addison’s disease. It stimulates bowel movements and also
stops nausea. Ginger can be consumed in food as well as in the form of ginger tea. This is a common herbal elements of Addison’s disease treatment.
Tai Chi, Yoga, and Meditation: As mentioned, there are also certain lifestyle choices and changes that you can make to better arm yourself against the problem of Addison’s disease. Although some Western forms of medicine still object to the validity of acupuncture,
yoga, tai chi, and meditation as legitimate forms of treatment, Addison’s disease is related to hormone production, and there have been numerous scientific studies linking these Eastern techniques to better mental health and stability, as well as a more balanced system, which includes the regulation of hormones. The personality effects that can come as a part of Addison’s disease can also be alleviated or lessened by things like meditation and yoga.
Ginseng and Borago: These two herbal elements have been suggested in a number of alternative studies for the treatment of Addison’s disease. Since they are closely related to supporting a healthy immune system, they can prevent the autoimmune attacks on the adrenal cortex that causes Addison’s disease in the first place. Any other types of immune-boosting elements in the diet, such as citrus fruits, or those foods that are high in antioxidants, can also help to slow or prevent the disease from getting any worse.
Green Tea: This powerful type of tea is used for many different herbal treatments, but it is known to
regulate hormones and keep the body’s metabolism functioning properly. Furthermore, it helps to boost the immune system of the body, protecting it against autoimmune attacks.
Proper Diet and Exercise: Although this may seem like a natural solution, maintaining a proper diet and always keeping up your exercise is the best way to keep your body and your immune system in good shape. A balanced diet and keeping your body in shape will always boost your defenses against autoimmune diseases, and can also keep your hormones in proper balance so even if you are suffering from Addison’s disease, the effects shouldn’t be as severe.
Diet and exercise should always be used as a complement to both traditional and medical treatments.
Turmeric and Reishi Mushrooms: In alternative healing of Addison’s disease, both of these foods have been known to help boost the strength of the immune system and increase hormone production, which counteracts the detrimental drop in hormone production that occurs as the adrenal cortex is attacked or weakened by autoimmune cells or other diseases that can cause Addison’s.
Astragalus, Milk Thistle, and Echinacea: These three herbal supplements can be taken or eaten in other forms in order to boost the body against the effects of Addison’s disease. Through a combination of hormonal boosting and immune system strength, these supplements can seriously help complement whatever treatment plan you are following for Addison’s Disease.
A Word of Caution: As mentioned above, there is no cure for Addison’s Disease, meaning that it is very important to seek medical attention and get onto a routine of treatment to maintain some normalcy in your life. Research is ongoing about more permanent solutions, but they are as yet unsuccessful. Therefore, all herbal and home remedies should be seen as supplemental, while regular hormonal boosting tablets or treatments are strongly suggested. Stay Healthy!